August 2021 Congratulating our local Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock Olympians on their great success at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

August 2021 Breakfast from the Farm event held by Farm & Food Care Ontario at the LEX.
July 2021 Announcing a provincial investment of more than $780,000 to support a new community-based program to provide more young victims and survivors of human trafficking in Kawartha Lakes with the services they need.

March 2021 Announcing a historic investment at Extendicare Lindsay with 96 new spaces and 64 upgrades spaces, this long-term care home will now have 160 beds to serve our community members

March 2021 In Wilberforce celebrating the awarding of the Cell Gap Project RFP created by Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) to Rogers Communications

October 2020 At A Place Called Home (APCH) in Lindsay announcing $1,750,249 in funding as part of Phase 2 of the Social Services Relief Fund to expand and renovate APCH including 19 new shelter beds and 5 new affordable housing units.

September 2020 At Haliburton Highlands Health Services (HHHS) announcing $22,000 for infrastructure upgrades through the Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund (HIRF). HHHS also received additional HIRF funding and funding from the Central East LHIN for a total of $1,329,000 for 2020/21.